Business areas - Growth driven by innovation

Business areas

Growth driven by innovation


Our company’s growth has been principally driven by innovation. Ofa Bamberg was the first manufacturer to offer compression stockings with modern microfibres. Also further fashionable accessories such as the lace grip top and the great colour choice set trends. “The ugly rubber stocking” has become a thing of the past.

Simultaneously the product range for support and travel socks and stockings was expanded to apply the acquired know-how also to preventive products, in other words to health care.

Additionally the area bandages and ortheses was being continuously expanded. While the product range initially consisted of purely knitted bandages, today it comprises a comprehensive selection of bandages and ortheses for (almost) all joints.

And with the unique development of the “ Memory Aloe Vera ”, medical stockings with aloe vera, Ofa Bamberg is setting new standards. For the “ Memory Aloe Vera ” unites healthy compression and skin care all in one.

Besides sales and distribution through our own subsidiary in Austria, Ofa Bamberg exports to more than 40 countries around the globe, and is particularly successful in e.g. Japan.

ofa bamberg business areas



Numbers and facts

A short business report: our capital – excellent staff

– Ofa Bamberg at present employs approx. 600 people
– more than 30 % of the employees have been with the company for longer than 10 years – for us a vast experience base
– “generation Ofa” – the age range is from young to old and is percentagewise almost evenly distributed across the age groups
– Ofa training ranges from craft training to study courses complementary to normal work
– work and family balance has been supported by Ofa for many years
– Ofa has for 20 years been able to record year on year growth
– a large share of profits has been invested in product innovation and new employees/jobs
– Ofa has an extremely successful subsidiary in the beautiful Alpine republic of Austria; Ofa Austria is market leader in orthopaedics and medical compression stockings
– Ofa operates worldwide and currently exports to more than 40 countries (above all to Europe and Asia)
– the Gilofa brand has been market leader in the area of support and travel stockings