About Sporlastic

SPORLASTIC is a German Orthopedics company, that belongs to the HAUBER Group, a textile
dynasty that is rich in tradition, from Southern Germany. In partnership with LUISA CERANO, an innovative
and contemporary fashion brand, who also belongs to the HAUBER group. SPORLASTIC has
demonstrated its ability to employ competencies that complement each other, creating synergies between
textiles, fashion, and orthopedic knowledge for the past 50 years. Orthopedic braces would have been
heavy, obnoxious, unpractical, and somewhat of an eyesore. As a result, those prescribed use of these
braces and supports were likely to neglect the recommendation, continue their normal way of life, and
inevitably re-injure themselves somewhere down the line.
This trend, in urgent need of a solution, was identified by the Hauber group, and in 1970,
SPORLASTIC was established and has been cleverly designing excellent quality products and innovative
treatment concepts ever since. Almost thirty years later, Luisa Cerano was founded, making it their mission
to excite women, with elegant and contemporary fashion lines, that soon became rather popular all over the
globe. From two seemingly different worlds – fashion and orthopedics – SPORLASTIC has spent the last
20+ years, manufacturing stunning, superior quality braces, and working towards solutions for the
musculoskeletal system.
SPORLASTIC orthopedic devices maintain a sleek design, ensuring comfort for everyday use, with
fabric that optimally adapts to the physiological movement of our body, allows functional compression, and
enhances proprioception, while working towards their mission of helping patients recover faster and
maintain better physical mobility. Working with doctors, therapists, and technicians, SPORLASTIC
develops innovative products and holistic treatment solutions, taking into account the causes of the
underlying indications and conditions. 
Furthermore, SPORLASTIC is trying to promote conscious handling of the environment and its
resources, so they’ve taken suitable measures to reduce CO 2 emissions at the Nürtingen site in Germany,
and, are concentrating on how to make their products more sustainable in today’s world. Using advanced
knitting technology, that allows for skin compatibility, state-of-the-art, “sandwich construction” and a wealth
of sophisticated design solutions, SPORLASTIC has produced a 3D flat-knitted fabric that is partially made
with recycled yarn. This fabric is used in the new SUPREME line of products, that perfectly adapts to the
body through all planes and ranges of motion. 
In combination with medicinal and physiotherapeutic procedures, SPORLASTIC products maintain
a comprehensive treatment model, that considers both the healing, and underlying mechanism of injuries,
conditions, and musculoskeletal disorders. Thoughtfully selected products contain a patient information
brochure, and a QR code allowing patients with a smartphone or tablet to navigate important product
information and utilize guided, therapeutic exercises, designed to promote faster recovery. Providing
patients with universal access to vital information and helpful exercises, to further promote their recovery,
highlights the SPORLASTIC motto: Physiotherapy to Go.